Cultural Passes
There are a lot of cultural passes available for students... available on the Lyon Culture website. I'd like to highlight some of these and what their benefits are:
La Carte Musée (the museum card)
Price: €16
Amount of Usage: One year from date of purchase
Details: Allows you to visit the 6 museums around Lyon.. as listed on the website.. as much as you want in one year.
- Musée d'Art Contemporain (attention : la carte n’est pas valable au Musée pendant toute la durée de la Biennale d’art contemporain, jusqu’au 3 janvier 2010)
- Musée des Beaux-Arts
- Musée Gadagne
- Musée de l’Imprimerie
- Musée de l’Automobile Henri Malartre
- Centre d'Histoire de la Résistance et de la Déportation
How to Purchase: Go to any of the 6 locations with a photo of yourself and prove of being a student, command for the 'carte musée'.
Le Pass'Culture (culture pass)
Price: €16
Amount of Usage: 4 shows at any of the locations on the list following..
Details: Make reservation ahead of time (at least one week before) to use one of the four passes.
- Auditorium de Lyon,
- Complexe du rire,
- Espace Gerson,
- Espace 44,
- Les Subsistances,
- Maison de la Danse,
- Nouveau Théâtre du 8ème,
- Opéra de Lyon,
- Théâtre des Ateliers,
- Théâtre des Célestins,
- Théâtre de la Croix-Rousse,
- Théâtre des Marronniers,
- Théâtre Nouvelle Génération,
- Théâtre du Point du Jour,
- Théâtre National Populaire
- Théâtre des Clochards Célestes
- et Festival Nuits sonores (1/2 tarif appliqué).
Nouveau cette année :
- Choeur et Orchestre XIX - Direction Jean-Philippe Dubor
- Institut Lumière
- Théâtre de l'Elysée
- Périscope
- Théâtre Guignol de Lyon
How to Purchase: at Lyon Campus, 25 rue Jaboulay Lyon 7ème
Au CROUS de Lyon, 59 rue de la Madeleine, Lyon 7ème 9-12h00 et 14-16h00 BY CHECK ONLY
La CarteD
Price: Free
Amount of Usage: Unknown
Details: For use at any of the following, make reservation...
Au CROUS de Lyon, 59 rue de la Madeleine, Lyon 7ème 9-12h00 et 14-16h00 BY CHECK ONLY
La CarteD
Price: Free
Amount of Usage: Unknown
Details: For use at any of the following, make reservation...
- Le théâtre des Marronniers
- Le théâtre des Clochards Célestes
- L'Espace 44 (théâtre)
- Le théâtre de l’Elysée
- A Thou bout d'chant (café-concert - chanson française)
- Le Marché Gare (salle de concert)
- Le Croiseur (théâtre et danse)
- Le Périscope (salle de concert)
- 6ème Continent (musiques du monde)
- L'Ecole de Cirque de Lyon
Details: Go to any of the above on the list with atudent proof and ask for 'La Carte D' which should give you a discount card.
Pass 2 places, 4 spectacles
Price: €28
Amount of Usage: 4 times, in the following:
Pass 2 places, 4 spectacles
Price: €28
Amount of Usage: 4 times, in the following:
A Thou Bout d’Chant (chanson),
Théâtre des Clochards Célestes (Théâtre)
Details: Call 04 72 07 63 81 ou 04 78 28 35 19 for more information.
Le Pass Culturel Kiblind
Price: €50
Amount of Usage: 15 times during one year, one in each of the following:
Le Pass Culturel Kiblind
Price: €50
Amount of Usage: 15 times during one year, one in each of the following:
- La Renaissance
- Le Nouveau Théâtre du 8e
- Les Ateliers
- Le Toboggan
- L’Iris
- Le Théâtre Nouvelle Génération
- Le Comœdia
- Le Zola
- L’Institut
- Lumière
- Le Clacson
- Le Hot Club de Lyon
- Le Marché Gare
- L'Amphiopéra
- L’Épicerie Moderne
- L’Institut d’art contemporain
Details: do the inscription for this online: at Kiblind Website, allows one ticket for each of the above in one year.
L'auditorium in Lyon
Price: €6.00 a month, paid at once, so €72.00
Amount of Usage: An entire year of free entrance... about 50 shows.
Specifically for the auditorium in Lyon, usually a selection of classical music.
Details: Inscribe on the internet, choose all your dates, pay online for the year. Here's the website.
Les pass' de l'Opéra de Lyon
Price: €5.00
Amount of Usage: Works for a year, one show per spectacle, per date.
Specifically for the Opera Lyon in the 1er arrondissement.
Eating/Food Discounts
Depending on where you go, normally near the center (near croix-russe, near place Terreaux, near Bellecour) many of the food places offer special menus for students. Example, show a student ID, get a meal at BIEH (Best Burger I Ever Had) with french fries, burger, drink and dessert for only €10.
Transportation Discounts
Discounts on TCL and Velo'v. A TCL monthly pass is only €22, while a yearly pass is only €187 euro. Velo'v is the same price, but still cheap at only €15 a year.
Keep your eyes peeled, if you are a student, and find the other great deals...
Don't forget that many museums and national monuments across France are also free for EU citizens/residents under the age of 26.