I'd like to take a post to revisit some of those typical things and give the French equivalent, once again:
Around the House
Bleach - Eau de Javel
fabric softener - appsouplissant
detergent - lessive lave-linge
sensitive skin - peau sensible
dishwasher detergent - lessive pour lave-vaisselle
hand soap - savon
stain remover - detachant
stain - tache
a rag - un chiffon
dish towel (in EVERY French home) - un torchon
a sponge - une eponge
In the Kitchen
(I'll only do the most basic, I recommend this site for more information)
wine opener - tire bouchonbottle of wine - une bouteille du vin
wine glass - un verre du vin
ice cubes - des glacons
cookbook - un livre de cuisine
recipe - une recette
cold drink - une boisson fraiche
water - de l'eau
Spices or Food Stuffs
(Same as above, not too much detail since it is a lot of words, instead try THIS SITE!)
peanut oil - huile de cacahueteorganic - bio
snack - gouter (often they say, "l'heure de gouter" which is a small snack around 4pm)
cut in slices (can order this at the boulangerie) - faire en tranches, ou couper en tranches
bacon - lardon ou poitrine fume/sale
Business Outside of Apartment
the bank - la banque
the apartment managers office - la regie
university - le fac
university cafeteria - CafeT
savings - epargne
pay check - un bulletin de paie
grocery store - super marche
That's about what I can come up with on the top of my head... but here are some more resources to understand and learn specific French words:
Lyon Eats Food Resource
French Linguistics Word Reference Site
And of course, if ever any questions simply shoot me a mail!
Tomorrow is October 1st, and I still can't believe how quickly September went. Yikes. Look forward to more posts coming up, I have got to try and stay on top of it.. but with a Masters program and 18 hours a week of work.. well life's barely life.
Tant pis!
Thanks for this useful blog!
ReplyDeleteI arrived to Lyon 2 weeks ago and planning to stay here for a year or so..